Monday 20 October 2014

Digital Tools: The Camera

*I added extra photographs because I couldn't choose my favorites. 

Visitors Only
This was taken on a sunnier day, in the shade. The visitors parking spaces being engulfed by the schools shadow. 

Flashy Fence
You have to be careful when walking past this fence with the sunshine, the suns rays can force the fence to throw beams of light, straight at you. 

Rusty Remains
Here you can see shaded pavement at the back of the school, once again on a sunny day. Parts of the ground have been pushed away, to reveal its secrets. 

Lonely Lunch 
Sometimes it can be difficult to find people to eat with, but the cafeteria is opened for all lunchtime fanatics, lonesome or plenty-full. 

High School Sweethearts
Obviously these two don't attend ACSS, but this mural never fails to make you feel the love as you walk through the hall.

Taking Over
 With the help of the rain and nutrients from underground these guys are able to pop up and attempt to takeover the pavement at all ends of the schoolyard. 

Watch Your Step
Leaving the school, these little steps make you keep a careful track of where you're walking, wet shoe prints can help on your journey.

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