Monday 17 November 2014

Lest We Forget: Part A

Remembrance day was brought about to remember all fallen and some active members of the armed forces. On November 11th at 11 am in 1918 World War I was ended. Sadly it did not end soon enough, as around 100,000 soldiers died in World War I and II.

 In Canada, this day, is a federal statutory holiday.  A 2 minute silence is shared at exactly 11 am, as well as all government buildings flying the Canadian flag. To show respect for the troops many people wear artificial poppies on the the left side of their chest. The US also honors troops with this day, but to them it is called Veteran's Day. 

Before 1931, Remembrance Day was known as Armistice day, until a bill was passed to change it. In the States this day was also known as Armistice Day, their holiday changed in 1954 though, into Veteran's Day. Every year there is a national ceremony held in Ottawa, at the National War Memorial. 

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